It is critical to winterize your home’s plumbing; doing so protects your pipes from freezing (and the flooding and the costly water and structural damage that could result). Winterizing your home’s plumbing keeps your system operational through the winter season.

You’ve probably got the basics covered at this point. For example, you’ve likely insulated the pipes in your house that are in unheated areas and are exposed (like those in the attic, crawlspaces and basements). You’ve probably disconnected your garden hoses and so on.

With that said, this blog post will cover a few tips that you may not have thought of.

  1. Have Your Pipes/Water Heater Professionally Inspected

    It is a good idea to have your pipes and water heater professional inspected in advance of the winter season. Professional plumbers will be able to detect any possible problems.

    This inspection certainly isn’t necessary, but it can be a good idea.

  2. Insulate Exterior Faucets

    We mentioned above that at this point you’ve probably disconnected any garden hoses. This is important because any leftover water can freeze.

    It’s also a good idea to insulate your faucets. You can do this by installing a hose bib, which you can pick up at any typical hardware store.

  3. Seal Air Leaks Near Your Pipes

    It is also important to seal any air leaks that are located near your pipes, both inside and outside your home.

    Even a small crack can put your pipes at the risk of freezing. Check for leaks around electrical wiring as well as your dryer vents and seal/insulate accordingly.

    Also pay particular attention to crawl space vents and ensure that these are insulated properly; this is actually one of the most common places where pipes end up freezing and bursting.

  4. Prepare For Below Freezing Weather

    Once the temperature drops below freezing, it is a good idea to put additional measures in place to protect your pipes. The first is to ensure that you keep your temperature at the same temperature both during the day and at night.

    You should also allow the slightest bit of water to trickle from a faucet located on an outside wall.

If you are in need of a plumbing inspection in advance of winter, consider Imagine Plumbing. Imagine Plumbing is among Alberta’s premier professional plumbers. Contact us today for more information.